
Happy Father's Day!

What a weekend! Saturday we went to my uncles house for a barbecue in Beverly Hills (of course, in my haste to get ready I forgot to bring my camera...) It was a great time seeing family we haven't seen in well over six months to a year.

Matt's 6th Father's Day was spent having lunch at my in-laws in Newport Beach. The girls loved seeing the other side of the family, frolicking with their cousins on the beach, and eating their body weight in hot dogs, carrots, grapes, and popcorn. The girls even spent time (also known as kissing hello and goodbye) with two sets of great-grand parents!


Andria said...

You have such a gorgeous family!

Simple Answer said...

What a great looking family! Looks like you are having a great time.

mary s. said...

What a beautiful family! And there's nothing better than a cookout. In Beverly Hills. :)

Heidi Schulz said...

Fantastic pictures! (And not bad looking people in them!)
Once again I am overusing exclamation points!

Diane Mandy said...

So So Sweet! Have I mentioned what a beautiful family your are? Like a Norman Rockwell painting only sexier. :-)

Maggie, Dammit said...

What a gorgeous family! My goodness. Seriously gorgeous.

Mom24 said...

The pictures were fabulous. So glad you had a good day. I am very jealous of the beach. It looks beautiful.

I love the "spent time (kissing hello and goodbye) with the great grandparents". So funny.

Take care.

Eve Grey said...

I love their matching bathing suits, so cute!

C.C. said...

You all know how to decompress between tours! You have a beautiful family. Take care!

Cecily R said...

Your family is beautiful.

So glad you got to catch up with so much family this weekend!!

Cynthia said...

Great pictures...your family is gorgeous!

karey m. said...

beauties...all of 'em! glad you're having fun...

Anonymous said...

It appears that you all had a good time this weekend. Great looking family!

Muthering Heights said...

It looks like you had a great Father's Day!

Mrs4444 said...

Love, love, love these photos (Father's Day). Wonderful!

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