
It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Wins ... By Losing Their Pride

Just like last year, Halloween 2009 was another 3 day event, with one more party yet to come!

Friday morning started off with pumpkin carving in Sheridan's class, followed by parties in both the girls classrooms, and ending with a BIG bash of trick or treating and a pizza and crap candy party for all the kids at the Consulate. They had a blast! Of course, I spent a majority of the day rushing around, trying to be in two places at once, and taking as many videos and photos as I could.

Tonight there was another round of trick or treating at many of the Consulate homes, though shhhhh ....... don't tell my girls because we didn't take them. Instead, we leisurely got ready for a costume party at Sparky's, a local American-esque diner in Chennai. There were a number of American School and US Consulate folks meeting up for the mediocre American buffet and chaos. We arrived all dressed in costume, and ready to let the kids run amok. They had games and prizes, and even gave out awards for the best costumes. Matt was recognized for his complete lack of humility when he won the best adult costume.

Our little princesses have transformed into Hannah Montana and Sharpay from High School Musical (note: for those who subscribe to the whole HSM subculture, we are well aware that Sharpay is NOT a cheerleader, though you try telling that to a stubborn 4 year old who insisted on wearing a blond wig like her sister...) The costumes this year were imported from the United States, courtesy of Matt, who picked them out while on the phone with me in the store. He ran into a glitch when they no longer carried the Pink Power Ranger in Sheridan's size and had to come up with an alternate costume that would be suitable to her liking. Riley's Hannah Montana ensemble came complete with a small chip for her shoulder, though she already had her own.

A great Halloween weekend has thus far been had by all ... though it still continues with brunch tomorrow!

Halloween 2007 ~ Halloween 2009

Left: Sheridan's class ........... Right: The Consulate Kids

Left: The Consulate Party ......... Right: Sparky's Party


Anonymous said...

I'm a killjoy - I'm making the kids trick or treat at the Y because it's raining :)

Love the costumes! All of them, lol!

C said...

Looks like fun! Happy Halloween :)

Mom24 said...

Very fun. Great pictures. LOL on the chip--Riley will outgrow hers, Hannah's/Miley's is there to stay. :)

Enjoy the brunch.

It's weird here, we trick or treat Thursday night--don't ask, I don't know why, and our school doesn't allow Halloween parties, although they do have Fall parties, so it's all over where we live.

Shannon said...

No classroom Halloween parties here, either... they're called "fall" or "harvest" parties. Can we say killjoy?

Love y'alls costumes! Especially Bubbles! ;)

Natalie said...

Would it be terribly wrong to say your Superman is toothsome? :) I am SO happy to say that Dubai American Academy had a Halloween party and parade for our kids. Total happiness. Enjoy the parties...mmm...brunch...best meal ever...

Crystal said...

Happy Halloween! you all look great, I hope you had fun!! Welcome to November : )

Crystal said...

Happy Halloween! you all look great, I hope you had fun!! Welcome to November : )

Cynthia said...

What fun!

Christy said...

Oh my god I love those costumes - especially yours at Sparky's party! So fun!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Man they are getting so big!

Love all the costumes, looks like you guys had fun.

Super Yoss said...

I love ALL SUPERHEROES in this family! The world need them! Go go go!

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