
The Tides, They Are A-Changing!

The baby flipped on it's own - so operation "External Version" scheduled for 5 pm today was canceled. Thank goodness!

My scan on Tuesday was great, and according to the numbers, baby P is weighing approximately 8 lbs 1 oz (though I'm not sure if I really believe that). The perinatologist said that it could be a pound off on either end... Despite my small stature, the baby is in the 81% for all its measurements.

I received confirmation this morning about our induction. Assuming baby P doesn't arrive any earlier on its own, we'll be heading to the hospital one week from today. As long as it waits at least 72 hours for Matt to get here, I don't care when it arrives. Anything after Sunday is pure gravy...


OHmommy said...

OMG! One week? One week left?

Hurry. Schedule your mani and pedi and go out for brunch this Sunday. Have you read a book lately? How about a bath, have you had a long one?

OMG! I am getting nervous now, for you. How very exciting.

Mom24 said...

I'm so excited!!! Hmmm, is that baby big because it's a third baby, or because it's a boy? Can't wait to find out.

I'm so glad the baby's staying upside down, here's knocking that continues.

Hope you have a great few days and that the baby stays put until Matt gets here.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Congrats on the turning baby! My first was breech, too. And she turned on her own at 37 weeks. It was rather frightening. I looked possessed by an alien :-)

Your picture from your other post...you look just amazing. Love that baby tummy!

Alison said...

Thank goodness the baby turned and you got to avoid that painful procedure. How exciting that Baby P is almost here!

BTW, I'm 5'2" and my second baby was 8 lbs. 14 oz. When I went for my scan the tech said, "Um...I just want to tell you that these things can be off by a pound." The scan was showing him at 10.6! Even as big as he was, I didn't have any problems delivering him. I wish you an easy delivery no matter what size your baby is!

Jen said...

Yeah!!!! So glad the baby flipped.

Crystal said...

YAHOO!! That is amazing that the baby flipped, what a blessing : ) I am so excited to see pictures of your new little one. Praying for you and your family~

Shannon said...

Yay for flippin' babies!

When I was having my first girl... my midwife guess she would be around 7 or 7.5 lbs.

Yeah... I birthed a 8 lb, 14 oz kid! Yowza! So much for my midwife's "guess"!

Unknown said...

One week! That's all? I'm so sorry I spaced on our playdate this week. Lucy's gig kind of threw me off my kilter. She's supposed to be out of school for 2 weeks, but let's see if we can meet for coffee or something next week? I want to give you the inside scoop before Sheridan's trek down this lane.

Glad to hear baby is sunny side up? (Or is it face down? I can't remember).

Marshmallow Circus said...

Just found your blog...

I had a little one, our sixth, four weeks ago. I had a scheduled c section. It was nice to make my date and to get everything done I wanted to do. :)

Kirsten said...

Wow!! So exciting. I can't believe you only have one week left. Enjoy it!!

This is bringing back memories. My son was breech two weeks before delivery and then flipped around on his own. I've never felt such craziness in my womb than the night he flipped. I just knew it. I had a scheduled c-section on 5/16/05.

Anonymous said...

Tell that baby to stay put. Or daddy will have to ground him/her.

One week! Get in some relaxation while you still somewhat can.

Unknown said...

Just get through the weekend... SO excited for you...please tell me

You have told Matt how to upload your pictures & get you logged on to blogspot to fill us all in..... (LOL) But really, I'm not kidding...

Tenakim said...

Yeah! I felt it was going to shift- all's good- can't wait to meet her/him!

Happy Mother's day!

Lisa said...

yay for you!!! can't wait to hear the details when he/she arrives. my money is on a little girl - rumor has it that having three daughters is pretty special ;)

Michelle said...

How exciting!! so glad the little one decided to turn by him/herself! Can't wait to 'meet' your little one!

Cynthia said...

OMG...one week! Good luck...Happy Mother's Day!

Robin said...

Hurray! Not long now!

Happy Mother's Day!

Z. Marie said...

Two interesting things my (American) doctor has told me recently:
A "statistically insignificant" number of babies turn on their own after 36 weeks. Thank goodness yours was one of them!
And he says the mother -- and her comparisons to earlier pregnancies -- are a much better indicator of fetal weight than ultrasounds or doctor's estimates.

anymommy said...

Yay!! And I'm so behind that now he's there and you only have two days to go. OMIGOSH. Can't wait. I'll be checking in regularly.

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