
Less Than 36 Hours Left...

before I head to the hospital to have baby Perlman. Oh we're so excited!

I had my last non-stress test and doctor's appointment on Monday, where we confirmed that the baby is still head down, though nowhere near dropping. We've been warned that Thursday will probably be a very long day. We asked my OB a lot of questions, and were given a plethora of instructions. We're ready... we're definitely ready.

Today I had my last blood test at the hematologist's, where I found out that the WinRho Infusion did not work. In fact, my platelets are even lower than they were on Friday. Darn It!! So, we now proceed with plan #2 and go into the hospital with the knowledge that I'll be doing a platelet infusion whenever I'm ready for the epidural.

Aside from the baby news, the girls are still reeling in the excitement of daddy being home. They've been introducing him to anyone who will listen, have enjoyed showing him everything they've been doing, and are just plain giddy to have him drop them off at school and pick them up at the JCC in the afternoon.

As for Matthew, he's doing okay with the time change now after not sleeping so well the first night. He also arrived with a horrible stomach bug that has plagued him for the past 2.5 days. All the help I thought I was going to be receiving somewhat went out the window, as I've been taking care of 3 people instead of 2. He's starting to improve, though not as quickly as either of us would like.

To add insult to injury, Matt has his final gum surgery tomorrow. He is not looking forward to it.

We have a busy last day tomorrow, so you probably won't hear from me. However, I understand that the hospital has Wi Fi, so we'll be in touch as soon as we can.

Until then...


Robin said...

My very best wishes for a smooth, happy, safe delivery and arrival for both of you, and a very quick end to the stomach bug for Matt!

*waiting on pins and needles*

Unknown said...

Eeeee... (thats my EXCITED squeal for you...)

So glad Matt made it home & can't wait to see that baby.. Sending your warm wishes & prayers-... keep us posted.. (were waiting to hear...) Hugs!

G in Berlin said...

All my best thoughts for a smooth and easy delivery and recovery.

Kash said...

Good luck with the delivery!

Mom24 said...

So EXCITING!!! I hope Matt's feeling better by the birth day, and that everything goes wonderfully smoothly for you. Hopefully they'll give you one heck of an epidural. With Julianna they kept bumping it up and bumping it up and bumping it up until I literally could not feel someone touch my belly and I still had no problem pushing her out.

I'll be thinking and praying for you and baby P.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the BABY'S HERE!! post!

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and I wish you a uneventful birth of that precious baby...boy? girl? Come on you got tell :)

Shannon said...


I can't wait to "meet" Baby P! Good luck with the delivery... I'll be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers :)


3 Peas in a Pod said...

Good luck Jill! I'm sorry the WinRho infusion didn't work. I was in that category as well with my second child. Drat.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a speedy, painless delivery.

Much love from NJ,

Tenakim said...

I'm so excited- I can't wait to find out the sex and name! Yay!

Kim said...

I truly and so excited.. cannot wait to hear the announcement!!!!

Jen said...

I so hope that everything goes well for you.

The Mom Jen said...

Can't wait to hear the great news, love on those girls as your last day a mom of 2!

Crystal said...

Praying for all to go smoothly and for your husband feel better quickly! I am so excited of you all. Blessings and Peace to you~

Alison said...

Busy busy--and I hope Matt feels better soon.

Best wishes for a safe delivery!

Kelly said...

I can't wait to see the little pumpkin!!! Best of luck with the birth and best of luck to Matt with his gum surgery - yuck!!!

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