
Elephant Trekking

It has been an amazingly relaxing week here in Phuket with a majority of our time spent at the 5 different swimming pools. Matt ventured out on Monday and went scuba diving all day with the scuba instructor here at the hotel. They did three dives... a wreck, a reef, and a wall dive, and returned to the hotel as exhausted as the girls and I were from lounging around and eating ice cream all afternoon. Oh we just love vacations....

Yesterday we took the girls elephant trekking at the Siam Safari, about fifteen minutes from the hotel. A van picked us up and took us to the meeting point, where we then climbed into these rugged jeeps that took us 4-wheeling up into the mountains. We watched a baby elephant show, the girls fed the elephants, and then we hopped onto our elephants for a thirty minute ride around the mountain top. Riley, who had been freaked out about riding the elephants, had a great time... until our elephant roared quite loudly, scared the daylights out of her, and she cried and whimpered the rest of the way until we got off. Sheridan on the other hand, LOVED the elephants, and more importantly, enjoyed pointing out all of the elephant poop. It was the highlight of her ride.

We're finally going to the beach today. It's been so hot that we hadn't wanted to chance anyone getting too burned (which has happened despite the SPF 50 sunblock that I lather, slather, and re-apply on the girls every 1.5 hours).

It's our last night tonight. Hopefully we'll get a decent family photo tonight... wish us luck!

Riding in the jeep up to the top of the mountain

A photo of the jeep... and the tour sign

Posing with the baby elephants ... "Follow that poop" is what I heard the girls say


Robin said...

How fun! Jay and I went elephant trekking in northern Thailand. My kids love looking at the photos, they'd be out of their skin with excitement at the chance to do it themselves :).

Mom24 said...

It all sounds completely fabulous. I'm so glad you've gotten to have this special time before that wonderful baby makes it's appearance. Hope you enjoy your last day.

Crystal said...

How fun, our kids wold love that!! It looks like you are really enjoying yourselves : ) Blessings to you on the end of your trip~

Ashley said...

I have never rode a real elephant before. A pretend one in a parade...but alas...it was pink and not real.

(Looks fun!)

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Your trip looks AMAZING!!!!! Truly. Growing up did you ever think you would be living where you do and vacationing in Thailand?
You are seeing and doing things most people only dream of...well most people meaning me!

Enjoy the rest of your time. I hope you get a great family photo. I know how hard they are to come by. I've been trying since I had my daughter 2 years ago.

Much love from NJ,

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That is so cool!

Follow the poop is right look at those big piles. It looks like they take 2 steps then have to poop. WTHeck

Looks like you are having a grand ol' time.

Simple Answer said...

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh wow! I can't even imagine how exciting it would be to be on an elephant. But I am not sure how I would feel about getting up there with my pregnant tummy. Not that I am pregnant or anything. Nevermind :-)

The whole trip is just amazing. How much longer till you are stateside??

Jen said...

that is so cool, you rode Elephants on your vacation.

Shannon said...

It sounds like you guys have had an awesome time!

Kelly said...

So very cool...what an adventure...Sheridan following the poo just cracks me up!!

Can't wait to see the family pic!!

Alison said...

Hahaha--follow that poop! It seems kids are the same no matter whether they're vacationing in Thailand or in my house in Texas!

I'm glad you're enjoying the vacation and I hope nobody got sunburned!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are having a great time. My kids would go crazy over seeing the elephants.

anymommy said...

Fun! You are all so cute!

Unknown said...

JEALOUS! I loved Thailand, but that was many years ago..without kids... Looks like you were having a good time!

Michelle said...

what a wonderful vacation it sounds/looks like you all had! Neat experience about the elephant riding too; although I don't think I could do that while pregnant!

Unknown said...

OMG--awesome! Did you have the best time ever??


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