
Yup, Another Diwali Celebration

Last Friday a gaggle of us moms volunteered in the kindergarten class to help with yet another Diwali celebration. It was a very long day filled with endless activities and little down time to catch our breath. The day's celebrations included a slide show presentation on Diwali, decorating dandiya sticks (wooden sticks that are colorfully decorated and used in Indian dancing) and then learning the dandiya dances, painting tea lamps, doing a rangoli art project (a popular art form in India), eating a snack of traditional Indian foods, and ending with mehindi (the application of henna).

By the end of the day I was absolutely pooped... and singing praises to the amazing kindergarten teachers who spend 7 hours with these kids each day! Oh do I give them credit!

Here are a few photos from the day...

Riley's Class

Decorating the dandiya sticks.... learning the dandiya dances

Painting the tea lamps .... Hanging out with a friend


Robin said...

I've said it before, but what an incredible gift you've given to your children by immersing them in other cultures. And yes, kindergarten teachers are saints, truly.

Riley looks beautiful, the Indian clothing really suits her.

Unknown said...

OK... I say the SAME thing EVERY POST:.. how lucky are your girls? Norway is not looking very exotic at this point...

Sent you a friend request--- : ) Thanks, at least I know YOU won't ignore me... LOL

Mom24 said...

That is really awesome. What an amazing day. I get worn out from the one hour I spend in Julianna's class--of course a lot of that is because of how absolutely unprepared for kindergarten a large number of the kids are. Julianna's teacher is pregnant, that's why she's only teaching one of the half day classes, she says she collapses at the end of the day as it is, she couldn't imagine if she taught all day.

Heidi said...

Boy they sure do celebrate a lot!

Alison said...

Kindergarten teachers have my undying respect.

Kelly said...

She's going to have such awesome memories of kindergarten!! There's been a different holiday to celebrate almost every week!!

Anonymous said...

Is this a holiday season in India? Or is every month this celebratory? WOW.

I volunteered for 3 hours at my daughter's preschool yesterday for a field trip. After 3 hours I thought I was going to tip over. Hail to the teachers who do that all day, every day... and continue to smile.

Anonymous said...

awh cool. makes me miss when our teens were this little. they are big and old now.

enjoy it. it goes so quick.
kathleen :)

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