
Waterfront Property

Here are some photos of Matt going to work today. Kinda gives the phrase, "I'm Going To Go To Work Come Hell or High Water" an entirely new meaning, huh?

The monsoon season is definitely here, and where our house is located is absolutely no fun when it rains. Our street floods, and then it pushes all the water onto our driveway, lawn, and ultimately wraps around the house. Yeah baby...

I had to wade through the calf-high water with Riley on my back to take her out to her bus for school. Her rain boots only go up as high as her ankles, and the water was so high it would have poured right into them. She thought it was hilarious that I had to walk through the muck. I didn't. The rain still hadn't stopped when we took Sheridan to school, so round two began at 8:30 am. Clearly I need to order a pair of rain boots ASAP.

This is the street in front of our house. And our driveway leading out. Our gardener showed up this morning to open up the gates so that we wouldn't have to get completely soaked.


Mom24 said...

I'll state the obvious...that's going to get REALLY OLD. ;-) Is the laundry room still working out all right? I hope so. How long does the rainy season last? Hopefully weeks, not months. Hang in there.

Jen said...

those pictures of your hubby are totally cracking me up. I guess your are getting more than a 'little' bit of rain.

OHmommy said...

Wow... you need a pair of Hunters ASAP!

I love the expression on your husband's face. Too funny.

Heidi said...

Oh my.... that doesn't look good, except for the fact that EVERYONE is smiling in these pics. Did you put something in their cherrios? My family would so be crying and whining..

♥ Braja said...

Oh hey Jill, I hear you...I'm over in West Bengal, an Aussie livin' the Indian dream (????) We didn't flood this year, which would have been the 3rd year in a row. I just found your blog and love it; I do mine for the same reason...cheaper than therapy. Find me here: http://lostandfoundinindia.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Oh my! I have one question, do you have snakes there?!

As usual the girls look adorable

Kim said...

Oh man.. that cannot be fun.. no matter how big the smiles..

Here is hoping you all dry out soon..xoxoxo

Jogging In Circles

Kelly said...

Holy Cow!! Jill, you don't need boots you need waders!!!

Kat said...

Wow! That is a lot of rain! But the hubby and kids sure do look happy about it. ;)

G in Berlin said...

But at least it looks warm! I second the hope that any water snakes are either nonexistent or friendly.

Anonymous said...

Get that man a canoe! :)

Geez, I'd be a bit unsetled by that water so close to the house.

karey m. said...

oh, god.

it looks so...clean. eek.

Simple Answer said...

Holy crap!

That's all I got.

jewelstreet said...

Oh, wow! I definitely think some rain boots are in order, but your kids look so precious.

Cynthia said...

Girl get some wellies!

Front Studio said...

Oh hilarity! I don't know if Rich is keeping up but I certainly love reading your adventures. I have to send this post to him, the rolled up pants on Matt is too funny.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... the rolled up pants is too much! Maybe some hip waders in 4 different sizes would be appropriate?

And no fear of what's living in that water? UGH!

Tara R. said...

I bet the kids love all the water... hubs, maybe not so much? I love his fashion statement. I think we used to call pants like that 'high waters.'

Natalia said...

Oh, that is incredible!

I'm here through JewelStreet, congrats on the award.

I'm enjoying your blog, try and stay dry :)

Michelle said...

To hell with boots or waders, you're going to need a boat! And that water does NOT look sanitary. Matt's awful brave to walk in it with flip flops on!

Claremont First Ward said...

Wow. What memories you'll have of this home! :) I love the smile on your hubbies face as he heads off to work with his pants rolled to his knees! :)

Rhea said...

Dang, you need a canoe to go anywhere. And serious rain boots. Is the water clean? Are there contamination issues?

Eve Grey said...

That looks kinda fun!
Does it create rodent problems though?

Unknown said...

Invest in the boots... This coming from the Chic that STILL hasn't bought a pair after 3 years of living in the RAIN & Snow... GUCCI has a VERY cute pair... figure if I am going to be living in rain boots right?

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love hubby there in his ankle high water w the brief case!

Alison said...

Oh my goodness! Yes, you all do need boots, but I was thinking hip waders might be better.

LINDSAY said...

Tell me you're not wearing heels for once...

Anonymous said...

oh, hope this gets better for you all asap. loved your little one's cute reaction.

i popped over here from TARa's blog.


anymommy said...

Wow. That will make your day a little more difficult. How long is the rainy season?

Laural Out Loud said...

Wow! Maybe you could get some of those fly fishing pants! How dirty is the water?

Unknown said...

Whoa! that's crazy! You need those thigh-high fishing boots or something...a raft, maybe? lol

Rhea said...

I hope your rain boots have arrived!!

Jennifer said...

And everyone is smiling in the pictures! Amazing. Hang in there?

Tenakim said...

Snazzy rain gear is a must!

Martin said...

Now THATS dedication to a job!

Christy said...

Holy moly! Last year's were much worse!

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