
Tasty Tidbits

There are so many events and activities going on right now that it's taking me awhile to finally catch my breath!

After much ado, last Thursday was the first 'Cooking With Moms' after school activity for the kindergarten - second graders. We had a FULL house with 13 kids showing up. I'm co-teaching the class with another mom, and we're having a blast designing our menus and shopping for the kids.

For our first class we decided to make popcorn as our snack, followed by french toast. Betsy showed everyone how to make the popcorn from scratch, and after wards, the kids all took their places at the table and made their own french toast - from start to finish. Each one cracked their own egg, scrambled it with the milk and vanilla, and dipped their bread on both sides before we put it on the griddle. The toppings? Why fruit, syrup, and chocolate spread, of course!

On the left... making popcorn ~ On the right... scrambling the eggs

Sheridan had a great time cooking. Me and my partner, Betsy.


Unknown said...

That look s like a lot of fun... I bet the kiddos had a blast!

Donna said...

Love the hats. If you find any particularly good recipes, post 'em, please. My kids love to cook, so I'm forever looking for fun things we can make together - with or without chef hats.

trash said...

I want the hats, I want the hats....

Heidi said...

Love it! Seriously girl, I would still be in a ball crying if I had to do all you do. The move, the adjustments you have made....You just jump right in there huh?

Mom24 said...

The toques are awesome. I bet they just love them. You guys did a great job--you can tell how much fun they're having. I love your girls smiles.

Becky-Home-Ecky indeed. Great job.

Diane Mandy said...

How cute are you? You even make that hat look good!

Suzanne said...

That looks like so much fun. It's something they'll remember. Looks like the moms had fun too.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's wife

Jen said...

that looks really cool. I would love to do something like that with my kids. I may have to wait a while though...

jewelstreet said...

That is a great idea for a class! I wish we had one around here. My daughter loves to cook, but alas, I don't.


Robin said...

How fun! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hats!!

The Mom Jen said...

How cute are you guys??

Tara R. said...

Love the hats! This looks like everyone had too much fun.

(p.s. I have something for you at my place)

Kim said...

You are too adorable.. the hats are priceless.. looks like a great time!!!!

Jogging In Circles

Kat said...

That looks like so much fun! And I love the hats!

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mom!

Unknown said...

Wonderful fun and I adore all the hats LOL!

Laural Out Loud said...

Do those hats look adorable or what?!

I've been on a vanilla freak out the past week or so, and I'd totally forgotten that french toast is made with a little vanilla in the mix. I'll have to make those very very soon.

mary s. said...

So cute! I LOVE the hats!! :)

jewelstreet said...

If you get the chance, check out my latest blog post. I left something for you.

Eve Grey said...

Looks like a wonderful time. And it's making me very hungry....(:

Michelle said...

You know, I make popcorn "from scratch" every day as a snack, and it's surprising how many people (adults, even) don't know how to make it. Kudos to you for showing all those kids!

And I love the little chef hats!

Alison said...

The cooking class is a great idea. And the hats are awesome!

Claremont First Ward said...

Looks like she is having some amazingly fun hands on learning experiences!

Kelly said...

You can tell Sheridan loved having Mommy teach the class!!

Michelle said...

what a fun after-school activity to put together for the kids!

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