
Barbeques, Birthdays, and Breakdowns

It was another action packed weekend; company for dinner on Friday, a BBQ on Saturday night, a birthday BBQ on Sunday night, dog bath and vet visit Sunday, and a husband who went MIA due to another protection detail.

The girls are now on spring break for two weeks and we're gearing up for lots of play dates, trips to the pool, the zoo, and parks. Several moms are devising action packed schedules to keep the kids occupied during their time off. The break couldn't come at a worse time for us as we're elbow deep in planning for our pack-out, our summer in California, our consumables shipment, and our move to Chennai. Every day something new pops up. This weekend's biggest upset was discovering that the cost of a minivan for 41 days in California was going to be $2300, not including the 12 days in DC, where we would then add on another $700. This doesn't include gas, parking, insurance, etc. It only took a few minutes to come to the agreement that renting a full-size car is a much better idea. Oh this is going to be an expensive summer...

Here are a few photos of the girls at the birthday party we attended tonight. There were about 15 kids there, two of whom were teenagers who entertained the kids all night. As Matt was working, we carpooled with my friend Christine, and we stayed until 9pm (when all 5 kids melted down at the exact same time). We always seem to miss the 5 minute window to leave on a high note when everyone is happy. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Let's hope they sleep in tomorrow.

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