
Home Sweet Home ... FINALLY

So as you can see, I've been taking a bit of a break. Turns out, home ownership keeps you rather busy. Especially when you now have a yard to maintain. And new sod, which requires a ridiculous amount of TLC.

Of course when your new sod dies a few days before you move into your new home due to an extreme heat wave, you now have extra yard work to do and higher water bills to pay as you spend every waking minute trying to bring your coarse brown grass back to luscious green.

You then make at least fifty-two trips to Home Depot and Lowe's on your quest to find THE perfect sprinkler heads for your postage stamp sized front and back lawn, in addition to all the other "stuff" you needed ... like hoses, light bulbs, wall anchors, picture hooks, plants, potting soil, dimmer switches, power tools, drill bits, mini blinds, spackle, and many, many, many more items that I've both purchased AND returned over the past several weeks.

This move has consumed us me.

At some point I may write about our closing. The never-ending trips to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Wal-Mart, and Costco. Our four different movers ... with our stuff from California, from Belgium, from Maryland, from Iraq. I'd tell you about all the things that were broken. Or stolen. Or gross and moldy and faded after eight years in storage. I'd complain about the never ending solicitors. The bugs. The waiting around every single day for something to be delivered or installed or serviced. I may even hint at having a huge argument with the contractor on the day they came to replace our dead sod. Let's just say that like the TV show Cheers, 'everybody knows my name.'

I'd also kvell about our neighborhood. Our neighbors, who ALL have kids around our kids ages. Instant friends and bike riding buddies and never ending basements to play in.

But right now, I'm done. We're finally catching our breath as we begin to make this house a home. And for the first time in almost three weeks we are able to lift our heads up and get out of the house for more than just a Target run.

I sent out an email with our new address. If you didn't get it or you want it, send me an email. If you emailed us over the past few weeks and I didn't respond. Please forgive me and know that I'll try to get back to you. Eventually.

Though it will most likely be after we head to Home Depot one more time. I just know we'll pick up the right sprinkler head one of these days. Until we do, pray for rain.


Jen said...

It's gorgeous!!

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Yay! So happy you are (almost) settled! xo

Michelle said...

I'm in love with the bar stools! Hope everything calms a bit for you now.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I know you must be worn out.. but so good to have you back! :-)

Kristen said...

Ohhhh yea!!! I've been waiting for this post. So happy for you guys! Congrats again and enjoy!!

Sara said...

It looks great! Can we see more pictures?

Anonymous said...


Wait ... your move in/closing sounded like you could have been in Delhi!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Looks great! Your kitchen is amazing (wait until you see my 70s closet-size one - you'll die laughing). And I LOVE those chairs. Are we still on for Wed?

Mrs.T said...

Congrats! We moved a year ago and I remember those kind of days *fondly* and we still have an empty living room because I can't figure out what I want!

Denise said...

Eeeeeeeeeee!! Yay for you all!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Stunning, stunning home! I am absolutely in LOVE!!

I know it has been quite a pain in the rear of a journey, but here's to settling in! Can't wait to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Welcome to the land of the never ending Home Depot trip! I always say we finally have everything we need and then...next thing I know, Home Depot!

And I love that your only pics are of the kitchen. As if you knew we were all going yada yada nice house and yard, where's the kitchen? Face it, its all we moms care about anyway!

Happy Houesewarming!

Issa said...

It's beautiful friend. I'm so glad you are finally there and feeling more settled.

Christy said...

Eeeek! I'm so happy for you all. And your house is to die for. Can NOT wait to see it! Hopefully next week! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

LeesOnTheGo said...

"Welcome Home, Perlman Family. Welcome Home." It's been quite a process and you deserve to sit back, relax and enjoy a mojito while looking at the lovely yard.


Mom24 said...

I definitely want to hear the stories, but for now, GORGEOUS!!! It's truly beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures.

I'm so happy for you. I hope you get to sit back and just ENJOY for a while.

Daniela Swider said...

Yey, you made it and it looks awesome!!! Congrats! You can catch your breath now...

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Beautiful! Congratulations on getting moved in and the kids finding kids to play with!

Take care,

Just US said...

Your house is beautiful! Congrats on mostly moving in!

Nomads By Nature said...

Lovely! Absolutely lovely! Congratulations and welcome home!

Connie said...

Congrats on the new home... sorry for all the frustrations of getting settled, but soon they will be past! Enjoy your new house!

Anonymous said...

My sister in law in Brooklyn said she felt the earthquake in Virginia. I didn't know there was one so I'm hoping you are all okay!

Stephanie Smith said...

Yes, I echo Andrea's last post... I'm betting you are okay with the EQ and all that everyone's all a "twitter" over this afternoon... you are (after all) a '94 Northridge earthquake veteran. I'm sure you and the kids are fine. But how's the house? I hope you either hadn't put everything up on the walls and shelves yet OR you got the best hangers/brackets/earthquake proof-able items Home Depot had. Thinking about you my friend. ;0)

Heidi said...

beautiful!!! So happy for you!

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