
Trader Joe's Marinated Garlic Mushrooms Make Everything Better ...

So does seeing this sheepish grin on Sheridan's face after she put on her oh-so stylish outfit. And her boots. Don't overlook the sassy boots.

It's been a week ... a doozy of a week. And I'm tired.

... The baby cr*pped in the shower tonight.

... A friend has been going through personal struggles which have me sad and sleepless.

... I have a never ending cough.

... The girls have been fighting. Ugh the fighting. The time-outs. The missing movie night.

... The dog escaped from the yard. Again. She wandered several blocks away and was returned by a neighbor.

... And the girl's school, located directly on the beach, was canceled today due to the tsunami warning.

But after taking a few deep breaths, I reminded myself that I appreciated many things too. Like my friends ...

... And P.F. Changs.

... And sorority sisters.

... And for babysitting in-laws.

... And day-care.

... And Skype.

... And Words with Friends.

... And an email from the builder stating that our house should be underway in the next few weeks.

... And for Facebook ... with its ability to reach out to friends in Japan and surrounding countries to find out if they were OK after yesterday's devastation.

But most of all? I'm truly thankful that I didn't have to share the garlic mushrooms.


Mom24 said...

Yay for deep breaths!

I'm sorry for all of it. Why do they go in water??? Mark's got the never ending cough too and I know how much it's bothering him. With him it's been a good two and a half months. Hope both of yours go away soon.

Good luck with the girls, hopefully it's just a rough patch. I've heard of making them treat each other with exaggerated politeness until it "sticks", but I think that might make me just as crazy.

I'm glad you've got the good things too. Hang in there.

Great news about the house!!!

Karen said...

I can only hope that your weekend brings you some relief...and the garlic mushroom. Me? I'm looking to up my Zoloft and slow down a bit. ;p

Glad you are safe.

Connie said...

Mmm! PF Changs! I miss pot stickers/dumplings or whatever the chain calls them. There was one in Maryland we liked... so yummy! I have to say, never have had school canceled due to tsunami warnings before. Very good that we have such warnings these days. I hope the warning systems were effective in Japan as well. And you're right, communication by Facebook is a true blessing for so many reasons!

Ms. Sarah said...

Yes we were thankful for Facebook for the reason yeasterday as well. Hope this week is better for you.

Ms. Sarah said...

Yes we were thankful for Facebook for the reason yeasterday as well. Hope this week is better for you.

Christy said...

Oh man Jill - here I was bombarding you with my 'woe is me' texts all week and I had no idea you were having such a crap tastic week. Ugh. So sorry to be so self-involved...but I know you don't hold it against me... right?!

Anyway, hope the weekend is as relaxing as can be with three kids and a dog. Um, not, really?! So I hope they go to bed early and you can enjoy some wine and more mushrooms - all to yourself!!! xo

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