
Really? I Mean REALLY?

I received this email today from my OB/Gyn.

Love the results ... Not so comfortable with the verbiage.


Emma said...

Oh how funny!
Yours Truly
Emma x

Christy said...

How funny! At least it didn't say: It was a pleasure to see you Jill, ALL of you. ;-)

Melissa V said...

Haaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha! That made my day! :-D

Mom24 said...

Wow! Does he read your blog? ;)

Jen said...


CaraBee said...

That's awesome. I suppose it could have been worse. Maybe: It was a pleasure to have you in my office. OR I enjoyed your visit. Okay, now I'm creeping myself out. Especially since I am due to make my yearly appt.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

He certainly likes you. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...


I think that is what they are doing now...I got the same thing from my "exam".

mosey (kim) said...

My GP sent me a note once starting with "You have been blessed by your ancestors..." Love her, even though like yours, she has "seen" a bit too much of me. :)

Robin said...

I told you you should stay away from the body glitter LOL...

I don't think I've ever in my life received a letter from my gynecologist, I'd have a heart attack if one showed up. (Here, they only notify you if your PAP isn't normal.)

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Robin said...
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Kate Coveny Hood said...

So inspiring to meet people who really love what they do...

And glad to hear that all is well.

Camille said...


Nice to "see" you! That's hilarious :)

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