
The Post Where I Remind You That This Is MY Blog

Last August I wrote a very difficult post about my internal struggles of being open and honest about our life overseas, and dealing with the potential backlash of said honesty. Remember that? Click here if you didn't get a chance to read it. I'll wait.

I didn't think I'd need to address this again, yet it has come to my attention that there are a lot more people here in India who read this than I had known. Regardless, it STILL doesn't change the tone nor the content of what I write. This is MY blog. These are MY feelings. It is MY commentary and MY editorializing.

The ideas expressed in this online journal in no way, shape, or form represent those of the U.S. Government, AISC, or any other person or organization either known to me or not. Yes, I am an American Diplomat. Yes, I am on the AISC school board. But, I am writing as a mother to two daughters and a son, as a wife of a federal employee, as a dog owner, as an expat living in India. I don't sugarcoat life here. I don't hide behind my words. And I don't write about any privileged information I have with either the U.S. Consulate or with the AISC school board. Period.

I make NO apologies for my thoughts, feelings, and opinions. I stand up for what I believe in. I speak my mind. I talk the truth. While I wished more parents would assert themselves and speak up when they notice something isn't right, I don't mind being a squeaky wheel. In fact, I don't mind being the only squeaky wheel. I will always challenge, and will not tolerate complacency. It's what makes me, me.

And that's why y'all keep coming back to read The Perlman Update.


Anonymous said...

Bummer that you're having to reiterate that!!

Keep on talking and blogging ... very few have the guts to do it publicly ... honestly and openly!

Mom24 said...

I completely don't get the need for this at all. Anyone who needs to be told this is a moron, and you're never written anything inappropriate anyway. I think you bend over backward to not pour everything out here. Sorry people have nothing better to do.

Love you posting more.

Christy said...

Amen, sister! I LOVE your blog. Sorry I'm MIA lately -- trying to finish my darn blog book. What a task! I'll read your latest posts as soon as I can!

Donna said...

Yes, ma'am!

Seriously, keep writing what you write. There's nothing inappropriate here; you're just letting your personality shine through. You're right: that's why people come back.

Brooke S. said...

I find myself paralyzed sometimes at the computer when I think about locals who read my blog. Thanks for the hoorah to be honest at all times.

Anonymous said...

Whether you live as an expat or in the 'burbs of your home country, people who read your blog will think they know you 100%, will misinterpret the meaning of your words, will twist your words to mean something they don't and can all around be a pain in the patoot of blogging.

F#$% 'em. Do what you do and don't apologize for it.

Lisa said...


Anonymous said...

Yes Ma'am, will remember that.


Don't shoot me.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a joy and a treasure.

Blessings on you as you continue to try to juggle the impossible. You can never, *ever* keep everyone happy.

But be very certain of this: your blog is a huge source of wonderful information, help, entertainment, and encouragement for many, many people.

And what makes your blog so charming is that you are YOU! :) Don't ever change!

Jen said...

I don't understand what is so difficult to understand about blogs. They are a person's opinions. The End!

Sorry you are having to go through this.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I can't believe you have to post this again. But please let me give you kudos for telling it like it is. I have too many family members reading mine to tell it like it is. But I wish I had the cajhones to do so!

Natalie said...

You tell 'em, sister.

David L. said...

Keep fighting the good fight!

Betsy said...

Ugh, no clue what was said to you, but I love your blog. It is so interesting to read about all the exciting things that happen to you and other expats.

We were supposed to live the embassy life, but illness in my children changed all of that. So for now I live vicariously through those who are lucky enough to do it. :-)

Garima said...

I hear you..... i come back for the sheer honesty, the good and the bad and the fun of living in India with foreign eyes. I live is US as an Indian.... so role reversal if you will.... but its amazing to see you and your family adapt so well! Of course its hard in a foreign country. It's far away from everything you know as home... and a backlash on your blog or thoughts should defintely not make it harder for you!
Good Going!

Kirsten said...

And that is why I love reading your blog... it's an honest look at what your life is like.

Tracy said...

Right On! and yes..that IS why I keep coming back to read your blog!
Love the Honesty! (and your blog!!)

Robin said...

It IS why I keep coming back. I like to hear real opinions about what is going on. Thanks for staying true.

Kelly said...

ditto, ditto, and ditto!!!! If people are offended, they can go elsewhere. Keep being honest and who you are!!!!!!

MissCrystal said...

No matter what you talk about you are still a very brave sould for writing anything personal in a blog. I think it's nice to see that living their you still deal with the same issues we deal with here in the states. It makes people over there not feel so different. And it's why I come back to read your blog daily. Thanks so much!

Tanya said...

That is exactly why I keep coming back- that and I enjoy your wit and writing style. You say you write because its cheaper than therapy?...Well I read yours and quite a few other expats blogs because THATS cheaper than therapy :)

Dilem*mama said...

Thank you for being the squeaking wheel. And thank you for letting the rest of us read your "squeaks."

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Well said Jill and those are all of the reasons why I think you're great!! Never change, never let anyone make you be something you're not. Stay true to yourself. It's all very hard I'm finding out but worth it in the end.

Hope you and the kiddies are well!

Much love from NJ,

fsowannabe said...

Good for you!

LeesOnTheGo said...

I don't know you, but I sure do like you...and it all has to do with your refreshingly honest blog. So thanks for being the wheel that squeaks and making so many of us laugh (because we GET IT) in the process.

Write on!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jill! Your blog is great, and I admire you blogging so openly about your experiences. It's something I struggle with on my blog - but your blog is defititely better off for being true to you! Keep it up!
Rk in Dhaka

Kristi said...


And I so want to hear the story behind this post.

Crystal said...

I love your blog, Jill!! Please keep it up, you are a gem. I appreciate your honestly and opinions : ) Don't ever change a thing, please~

Crystal said...

I love your blog, Jill!! Please keep it up, you are a gem. I appreciate your honestly and opinions : ) Don't ever change a thing, please~

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