
Another India Moment...

This is the e-mail exchange between Matt and the maintenance crew at the office yesterday. Nothing ever surprises me anymore...

From: Chennai Motorpool
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:31 AM
To: Matthew Perlman
Subject: RE: Mongoose in My Engine

Dear Sir:

As instructed by you the vehicle was checked by our transportation staff, the mongoose was removed from your vehicle and the engine was hereby water washed. This is for your kind information.


Chennai Motorpool


From: Matthew Perlman
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:38 AM
To: Chennai Motorpool
Subject: Mongoose in My Engine


During the security inspection of my vehicle this morning, the guard observed a live mongoose in the engine compartment under the hood. Having already experienced the foul stench of one dead animal in my engine, can you please thoroughly inspect my vehicle to ensure that it is animal free.


- Matt


Natalie said...

Oh God. I can't stop laughing!!!

Shannon said...

That's just too funny! LOL!

Robin said...

Oh man, that's a doozy!

Ramit Grover said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Why didn't the guard take the mongoose out when he saw it during the checking process?

Stephanie said...

I love how unflappable motorpool is in these situations. No big deal to remove a live mongoose.

Donna said...

Too, too funny. Perhaps this is why you've been having trouble starting the car? No need for the expensive part to be shipped in - just leave a pile of mongoose chow outside of the garage to lure the suckers out.

Michele said...

Oh no! Now the mongoose family is incomplete! He was just trying to get out of the rain....

Z. Marie said...

Oh my gosh, this made me laugh so hard!

Anonymous said...

Inspection, observed, compartment, experienced, foul stench, thoroughly...

What's Matt thinking here? His email would be perfectly logical in the US but in India...?

As JB used to say to me--cut the flowery speech and make your point with as few simple words as possible.

Rewrite: Check engine for animals.

Anonymous said...

I'm just impressed that they "reverted" and "did the needful" in just over two hours' time!!

Classic Incredible India!

Anonymous said...

Man I thought I had problems with Cheerios! LOL.

Crystal said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!!! Wow, it is indeed a different world : ) Glad to here your engine is free of small animals~

Crystal said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!!! Wow, it is indeed a different world : ) Glad to here your engine is free of small animals~

Jen said...

So how does a mongoose get into an engine and for that matter what is a mongoose.

Mom24 said...

You're definitely not in Kansas, are you Dorothy?

A mongoose! Wow.

roysie said...

I hope the mongoose was unharmed! Hilarious story. I am headed to Tel Aviv for my first assignment. I would love any tips or advice about Israel!

kismet said...

Sooooo funny! Definitely is a classic India moment. Too bad there aren't any pics of the mongoose removal process! Sharell :-)

Kirsten said...

Awesome! Only in India.

♥ Braja said...

Oh yeah, definitely an "only in India" moment. Poor mongoose....:(

Brooke S. said...

"Emails you never thought you'd send" This is fabulous!

Christy said...

HAHA only in India?!

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