
I'll Take Colic With A Side Of Reflux Please

It's not for me, it's for my son. And neither of us really asked for it, though he got it (and I'm dealing with it) nonetheless. For the past few weeks, little baby Gray has been fussing uncontrollably every single night from around 6 pm - 8:30 pm. It's not horrible, but it isn't fun either. At first we thought it may be his food ... or gas ... or both. But after paying closer attention to his demeanor, what sets him off, and how long it lasts, we realized that it wasn't anything that we were doing. It's just him. Thankfully he's somewhat consolable, and will calm down if he's picked up and rocked... it's just not realistic to be carrying him around all evening.

We've never had a colicky baby. Nor have we dealt with one who had reflux. But we hit the jackpot and got a two'fer. So not only is Grady fussy in the evenings before bedtime, but he also has reflux which keep him sniffling, snorting, and wheezing all night long. Apparently, the gases from his stomach go up into his nasal cavity, burn the back of his throat, and cause the congestion. Poor baby. We're trying the non-medicated route first where we are elevating his crib and keeping him propped up as much as possible during the evening so he doesn't accumulate gasses. However, if it doesn't show significant improvement we will probably put him on Zantac.

Last Friday we went to the pediatrician for Grady's 4 week appointment to complete the State Department's medical clearance. At one month old he is 9 lbs 10 oz and 22 inches. After giving him a once-over, the doctor filled out all of the paperwork, and agreed that he is healthy enough to accompany us overseas. Perfect timing as he now has his passport. Woo hoo! Now we just need to get his Indian Visa. If only it were that easy....


Robin said...

What a cutie. Hopefully he'll outgrow both the colic and the reflux quickly.

The Mom Jen said...

My Boy was colicky and that is tough to deal with although you do have it easier than I did. The reflux, well I deal with it and know it's painful and I can't imagine a newborn experiencing it! I hope it's short-lived and can resolve without meds! *hugs*

Chiloe said...

Did you a osteopathy could really help him? (especially for the reflux) I don't know if you know it but it's very gentle and is really good on babies. You need to find someone who is really good but it's worth the try and avoid medications ;-)

Suzanne said...

I hope you find the little one some relief. I think it's very cool that a one month old has a passport and an Indian visa. What does the passport photo look like?

- Suzanne

Alison said...

He is so adorable. I hope he feels better soon so you can enjoy him being happy instead of fussy.

Tenakim said...

bless his heart and yours! My second was very unhappy- so if you turn to Xantac and that doesn't do the trick- let me know... there are a few home remedies that helped. Good luck- he's so adorable!

Jen said...

I had 3 babies with reflux. It is not fun but my advice is to get on the meds. It will make a night and day difference in him. I know it did with my kids.

Oh and such a cutie!

Mom24 said...

Not fun. Poor baby. I hope he gets better soon.

Rebekah was fussy like that in the evening. A sling worked like a charm for me, and then she was fine.

She didn't have reflux, but she did vomit at least once a bottle every day. Good times. I hope the reflux gets better soon.

He sure is a cutie. :-)

3 Peas in a Pod said...

What a sweetheart he is!! So adorable. Growing like a weed already.

My middle son had reflux. If the non-medicated way doesn't work, the Zantac surely will. I hate to see them suffer like that but sometimes things happen and at least there's medication to relieve his discomfort.

Glad to hear everything is lining up for your trip back to India!

It's funny, we're not even on the same coast in the US but I feel sad that you're leaving the country!!!

Much love from NJ,

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Love that yawning picture. Boy he sure is cute! I hope he feels better soon, I never had to deal with either of those problems so I can't help.

Laural Out Loud said...

Grady is gorgeous!

A colicky baby can be so so rough, but thank goodness he responds to being held. I bet you have some super human arm muscles by the time he's a few months old!

Mrs4444 said...

So sweet. Poor little guy. We went through seven baby sitters in six months (I worked 3-11pm and Mark traveled for a living.) Finally, I just decided to stay home, which I did for the next seven years. I'll say a little prayer for you tonight :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Did Grady not get the memo?? Third babies are supposed to be super easy...and go with the flow. Maybe you should update him :-)

anymommy said...

Well, he's way to cute to send back, so I guess you'll have to hold him.

Seriously, I know colic is hard, hoping you find what works for him and lets you all sleep better.

Kirsten said...

He's gorgeous. What a cutie.

My twins were both colicky and it nearly killed me. I read every thing ever written about colic and tried every trick and tip. What worked one day, would surely fail the next. So we waited it out and low and behold they developed into quite charming little toddlers eventually.

Unknown said...

Bless your heart... hang in there mom, I know you must be tired... but my goodness... he is SOOO beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Colic or reflux that's one supremely adorable little guy.

My son had reflux starting at 6 weeks and they gave him zantac? Maybe it was something else I can't remember but it really helped him a lot. We also had to add rice cereal to his formula to help keep his food down.

I hope all goes well with getting everything else ready to head back 'home'.

Ashley said...

OMG he is soooo cute!

Eve Grey said...

My best friend's baby, her first, is now four months old. She is colicky and cries all.the.time. I don't know what the point of this comment is, other than, you're not alone! (:
He's soooo cute!

Lisa said...

poor guy and poor mommy!!!! hope it gets better sooner rather than later!!!

Michelle said...

Sorry about the colic and reflux, but dang is he adorable!

Teresa said...

I have a friend who runs an orphanage for cleft palate babies in China, and she swears by Watson's Grippe Water. Amazingly, I just saw some at Nilgiris in Chennai!


Unknown said...

It may be too late now (if so, that's GREAT), but you'll find more information and tips about how to deal with both colic and reflux, without using pharmaceuticals, at http://www.ColicCare.com. The creator of Colic Care is a naturopathic doctor and they have a part on their website where you can ask her questions about colic, homeopathy, and natural medicine. I think it's pretty cool and could be very helpful for you. Good luck!!

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