
Surprise! We're in Southern California!

So can you believe that for the most part I kept it tight lipped that the girls and I would be traveling over 10,000 miles last week to help surprise my grandfather at his 90th birthday party? It sure was hard ~ especially as I wanted to make plans with family and friends, though didn't want to spoil the surprise.

When I first found out I was pregnant and began calculating dates, I knew that in order to keep my sanity that I had make a trip to Newport Beach and meet with my doctors to ensure that everything was indeed a-ok. I wanted to scope out hotels, kindergartens, and preschools for the girls as we'll be spending over 3 months here and the girls will finish up the school year. I needed to feel like I had some control over our lives and that as a planner, everything would be set upon our arrival in April.

As the girls have a 3 week winter break it was the perfect opportunity to get out of India for a little R&R and head to California. When we finally told our parents we were coming, we just asked them to keep it a secret as I knew we'd be in town a mere 24 hours before the big party. Best of all, we planned our trip at the same time as 3 other Consulate families, so our flight to Frankfurt from Chennai was filled with kids and adults all excited to going on vacation. It made the first of our flights bearable and fun. We left Chennai at 2 am on Friday, December 12th and after a long 23 hours of flight time, along with a 2.5 hour layover and 3 hours check-in in India, we arrived in Los Angeles safe and sound... though tired and cranky. After meeting my parents and brother and getting our rental car, our first stop was In N Out Burger for a big juicy hamburger with all the fixins... it was delicious! We then made our way down to my in-laws house in Newport Beach, had a home made dinner of moist and tasty chicken, and crashed hard. Thankfully we all slept through the night.

After a fabulous haircut on Saturday morning (thanks Heather for setting it up!!) and a much needed trip to Starbucks for my tall-decaf-caramel macchiatto with whip, we all hung out and got ready for the party. We arrived a smidgen late for the party, which worked out in our favor as everyone else was already there and congregated in one room. We walked down the windy staircase into the room where we heard a loud chorus of, "OOhhhhh Myyyyyy Gooosssshhhh" and watched every one's heads whip around to see what the commotion was all about. Just us... the 1st grand daughter and great grand daughters in from India.

We all had a great time at the party. After the girls got over their initial shock of seeing everyone again, they left me and I barely saw them the rest of the night. We ate, we schmoozed, we caught up with family. It was a blast.

We spent most of Sunday with the entire gang again at my cousin Jody's house in West Los Angeles. What started off as an impromptu brunch turned into a full fledged party at their house that lasted the entire day. Another opportunity for the girls to see their cousins, uncles, and grand parents.

This week is filled with doctors appointments, hair appointments for the girls, and reconnaissance for hotels and schools. It's bound to be action packed. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the latest. Until then, enjoy a few photos from my grandfather's 90th birthday party.

Me and Zadie... old photos from his youth

My dad and his siblings... me and my great aunties

The girls with my parents and in-laws ... photo with my parents and brothers

Yummy desserts... cookies and red velvet cake

The girls and their cousins


Heidi said...

That's so great. I love the cookies, but is it good to suprise a 90 year old man? ha.

Jen said...

that is so cool that you got to Surprise everyone. And what a great surprise it was. I am glad that you had safe travels.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful surprise you gave your grandfather. Love all the family piccies and your grandad looks way younger than 90!

Mom24 said...

What an incredible surprise! Great job.

I know I've said it before, but I am blown away with how resilient your kids are. A trip like that would have my kids exhausted for a week!

I didn't realize you were going to be here for 3 months. I can't wait to hear about your preparations.

Mom24 said...

Those pictures are awesome, BTW. It's great that you have so much family that you're close too.

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh that looks like fun! Your grandpa looks Young!

Now all the traveling does not sound fun. I feel sorry for you. But I would be hungry for some fast food also, if I had been away from it.

Prayers that your doctors visit goes well.

Kim said...

It looks like it was a blast!! You look amazing!! Glad to hear you are in the states and got to surprise everyone before the Holidays! How fun.. :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun time!!

You look mahhhhhvelous. You're glowing.

Suzanne said...

That's just terrific. Your hair is spectacularly healthy looking. Seriously you could be in a shampoo commercial. Are you coming back to the U.S. for the birth of the baby? I'm glad that you are able to met with your doctors to make sure all is well. That will mean some major piece of mind for you.

You've got one great looking, happy family.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Kelly said...

Welcome Home!!! What a great surprise and a fabulous break for you guys. Enjoy the states and all that you miss in the 3 weeks you're here!!!

Looks like the party was a huge hit!!

karey m. said...

oh phrew. all is now well.

Simple Answer said...

Fabulous! Just Fabulous!

Young Creations said...

Welcome to Newport. I have lived here for the past 15 years. I know a lot of people with different services. If I can be of any help to you or the girls please dont hesitate to ask. I have been president of the PTA systems here in the Newport Mesa Unified schools. I can lend advice on school and preschools if you are interested. I also know most of the principals in the area. Let me know if you would like to touch base.

Welcome and Happy Holidays.

Cynthia said...

Yay! Have a great three weeks!

Alison said...

Sounds like a fabulous party. Your grandfather looks so young for his age!

Enjoy your time in California--I know you must be glad to get to do all the things you need to do before you come back.

Now you've made me want an In-N-Out burger (we don't have them in Texas--boo.)

Anonymous said...

You deserve it!

Fantastic hair, by the way!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Your girls sound like troopers - I can't imagine 23 hours in a confined space with small children :-)

I hope you have a lot of fun...and get a lot accomplished while you are here!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I can't believe you were able to pull off the surprise! Good for you--have a great time! :)


Tenakim said...

how wonderful to be 'home' for a while during the holidays! You're a good secret keeper!

Laural Out Loud said...

Welcome back! You must be in Heaven- I mean, a Starbucks at every corner? Nothing better! And being able to see the doctors that you're familiar with must mean so much to you right now. Enjoy your stay!

Tara R. said...

What a fabulous surprise! I hope you all have a great holiday and a wonderful visit at home.

Tara R. said...

What a fabulous surprise! I hope you all have a great holiday and a wonderful visit at home.

Anonymous said...

You look fabulous! I actually started drooling when I read the description of your Starbucks order. Have a great time!

Shannon said...

Oh, great surprise! The party looks like it was a lot of fun... and that cake is cool!

Have a great time while you are here (a trip to Starbucks would have been a high priority item for me, too! HA!)

Mrs4444 said...

Awesome. Your grandpa looks wonderful, for his age, or any other! :)

Mrs4444 said...

P.S. That cake has inspired me to make a car cake for Kyle's birthday in May-very cool!

Michelle said...

Good for you on keeping a secret! I'm not a secret-keeper, so it's a good thing you didn't tell me! ha

Your hair looks great, by the way.

Unknown said...

How fun! You look amazing!

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