
Sheridan Turns 4!!

Today was Sheridan's 4th birthday ~ my how time flies when you're having fun! She woke me up at the crack of dawn waving four fingers in the air and squealing that it's her birthday and she's no longer three. I must agree.

We spent her special day at the movies with her cousins, where we saw The Tale of Despereaux. Sheridan loved it, though Riley freaked out a bit (which is quite easy to do...) over the rats. I should have known she'd end up sitting on my lap after our last debacle in a movie theatre seeing Ratatouille.

With peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, pizza for dinner, and cupcakes for dessert, in Sheridan's own words, "I had a wonderful birthday."


anymommy said...

Happy Birthday beautiful! What a fun surprise trip. I'm so glad it all went well and that you are having so much fun. Drink one of those beautiful cups full of coffee heaven for me!

OHmommy said...

Happy Birthday Sheridan! What a sweet girl.

We are off to see The Tale of Despereaux this afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Isn't it awesome to turn four!

Mom24 said...

I think 4 is a perfect age. It sounds like a wonderful day. I've been curious what will you do about Hanukkah and birthday presents? Schlep them back to India with you and the girls? Ship them? Leave them until Spring? Just curious.

Happy Birthday Sheridan, and Happy Hanukkah to all of you.

Jen said...

Aw, Happy Birthday Sweetie. Hayden tells me almost every day that being 4 is really really cool!

Emily said...

Cupcakes...yummy. My appetite has kicked into high gear this past week. Good thing cupcakes aren't very common in France.

Happy Hanukkah! XO.

Unknown said...



Simple Answer said...


Robin said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful girl! Glad it was a great one, and what fun to be back in the States to celebrate with her cousins too.

Shannon said...

That sounds like a great way to spend any day, let alone your birthday, LOL!

Happy Birthday, Sheridan!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes... 4 is SOOOO not 3. What a grown up girl. It's kind of sad to watch them outgrow being a toddler and become little PEOPLE.

Happy Birthday Sheridan!

Alison said...

I'm sorry this is so late--it sounds like she had a great birthday!

Cynthia said...

Happy Birthday Sheridan!

Kelly said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Sheridan!!! It looks like she did have a great one! Those cupcakes look great!

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