
Okay... Let's Compare

As I'm thankfully moving out of the stage where people aren't sure if I'm pregnant or if I've just gained a lot of weight, I'm finally ready to take a few snapshots of my expanding belly. I had Riley stand on a chair after school today and take several photos (the self-portraits I took in the mirror did not come out very well). Not bad for a 5 year old, huh?

So here are a few photos from today... compared to a photo of me one week further along than I am now during my last pregnancy with Sheridan - 4.5 years ago! It sure is amazing to me how much my body remembered being pregnant, and how quickly I popped this time.

December, 2008

July, 2004


Mom24 said...

You look wonderful, how fun! You are so right, at least you have that awkward is she or isn't she stage out of the way. Enjoy it, you've earned it!

Great job Riley.

Robin said...

You look great. Definitely pregnant, but all baby.

The Mom Jen said...

Oh what a gorgeous mama!! I think you're having a boy! ;)

Alison said...

You look great! I'd much rather look pregnant right away than that in-between look when people aren't sure if you're pregnant or have just been eating too many desserts. ;-)

LINDSAY said...

Yipppeee!!! A picture of your cute prego body! and its just as cute as I imagined...keep the pictures coming!

julicle said...

What's amazing to me is that you haven't aged a DAY in 4.5 years! You look gorgeous. :)

Jen said...

Ok, you are one of those very cute pregnant women that I don't like. Just kidding. You are so cute, I just want to rub that baby belly but I will refrain, I promise.

Joyce said...

You look so cute! I was also amazed how quickly I popped out with this pregnancy. Enjoy it though. It goes by too fast!

Simple Answer said...

You look the same - damn cute!

Anonymous said...

You look great (and haven't changed a bit!)

Tenakim said...

you look gorgeous- you definitely have that glow- I'm so excited to follow your pregnancy- maybe stop my yearning for my own!

Shannon said...

Look at you, mama! So pretty... and your smile is gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you're getting better with age. Matt is a lucky, lucky man.

mary s. said...

YOU are ADORABLE! I hope I look that amazing when I'm pregnant!

Kim said...

OMG.. You look amazing..I wish I looked a 1/3 as good as you pregnant..


Unknown said...

Awww you are definitely glowing, you look wonderful

Claremont First Ward said...

You look wonderful and have a beautiful bump. How far along are you?

Diane Mandy said...

Wow! You look marvelous!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Pregnant women are just gorgeous. And I don't see how people could think that you have just gained a little weight!

Your photographer did a bang up job.

Mrs4444 said...

Aren't you the cute one! You look great :) Glad to hear things are cooking along nicely :)

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