
Spring Art Boutique

The preschool held a Spring Art Boutique this morning to showcase projects that they've been working on throughout the year. It was set up like a real art exhibit, with the children's designs spread beautifully throughout the school. Every kid was deemed a Gallery Guide, and their job was to take their parent(s) around each classroom and highlight what they did. The girls each took a hand and pulled me along. They were so excited for me to see their artwork - but not as excited as I was to view it. It took us about 30 minutes to walk through, take photos, and give the right amount of "ooooohhhhh and ahhhhhhhh" to each piece. I have to admit, I was mighty impressed. The work was precious, well thought out, and oh-so sweet!

At the end of the boutique, the teachers held an auction of a few projects designed by each of the classes. There was one painting that I accidentally saw a few weeks back and I knew then that I had to have it. So when they opened up the auction with the painting, I was ready to bid. There were a few parent's interested in the painting, but none quite as much as me. To make a long story short - I continued to bid and I won. For the low-low price of 1000 Shekels ($290), I am now the proud owner of Hands of Peace, an original painting done by Riley's class. It's a light blue sponge painted canvas with the outline of a dove, and the Star class's hand prints throughout. It's also dated. We love it - and will cherish it always. Here are some photos of the girls work. Enjoy!

Riley's Artwork from L to R: Spring Flowers, Foil Tree, a Clay Pig

Sheridan's Artwork: Five Little Ducks, Mail Holder

Sheridan Cont'd: Napkin Holder, and Flower from Holland

"Hands of Peace"
Photo of the girls taken BEFORE the auction.

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